Deputy Principal Academic and Student Affairs

Mr.Anthony Maangi- Deputy Principal Academics and student affairs

Office of the Deputy Principal, Academics

The Office of the Deputy Principal, Academics at Borabu Technical Training Institute (BTTI) is central to the academic and institutional advancement of the college. The office ensures the smooth delivery and continuous improvement of academic programs and services, aligning with the institution’s mission to provide high-quality technical and vocational education and training (TVET) that meets national and industry standards.

Additionally, the office of Deputy Principal, Academics plays a pivotal role in the development and management of academic policies, curriculum delivery, faculty development, and student academic performance. The office collaborates with designated Heads of Department (HODs) and Heads of Section (HOSs) who manage specific activities under their purview, both academic and operational. These include critical areas such as Industrial Liaison, Quality Assurance, Research and Innovation, and Student Registration. Together, the Deputy Principal-Academics, HODs, and HOSs work to create a cohesive academic environment that fosters excellence, integrity, and relevance in education.

Key Responsibilities:

⦁ Curriculum Implementation: The Deputy Principal, Academics ensures that all academic programs are effectively implemented in line with established standards. This involves coordinating with academic staff to deliver the curriculum in a manner that meets both institutional objectives and the demands of the current job market.
⦁ Industrial Liaison: The Deputy Principal, Academics works closely with the Industrial liaisons coordinator to support and maintain strong industrial linkages that enhance practical training opportunities, internships, and collaborations, providing students with exposure to the real-world work environment.
⦁ Quality Assurance: The office oversees the continuous monitoring and evaluation of academic standards to ensure that all programs meet both internal and external quality benchmarks.
⦁ Research and Innovation: The Deputy Principal’s office coordinates to foster a culture of research and innovation, encouraging staff and students to engage in research initiatives that contribute to academic excellence and address industry challenges. This includes supporting the development of new teaching methods, tools, and technologies.
⦁ Student Registration: The office, in liaison with the registrar, oversees the registration process for all new and continuing trainees, ensuring accurate and timely data management and facilitating smooth transitions through their academic journey at BTTI.
⦁ Coordination of Academic Affairs: The Deputy Principal, Academics supervises the planning and execution of internal examinations, grading systems, and academic assessments, ensuring fairness and consistency in all academic evaluations.
⦁ Staff Support and Development: The office coordinates and supports continuous professional development opportunities for lecturers to improve teaching methodologies, stay abreast of emerging trends in education, and enhance the learning experience for students.
⦁ Strategic Planning and Reporting: The Deputy Principal, Academics contributes to shaping BTTI’s long-term academic goals and strategies, ensuring alignment with national goals, Vision 2030, and the TVET sector’s development agenda.

The Office of the Deputy Principal, Academics is committed to fostering an academic culture that nurtures students’ intellectual curiosity, supports departmental excellence, and contributes to the growth and development of Kenya’s workforce.

Mr. Anthony Omwange Maangi
Deputy Principal, Academics